So how long does natural immunity really last?
The human immune system is simply
wonderfully designed…
protecting mankind for ages…
Dr Anton explains why so many people survived COVID-19 and how long they will stay immune in his video here:
Dr Anton refers to an article by Marc Girardot explaining how “cross-immunity” created...
a natural immunity safety net for the 99%.
He refers to a survey of blood samples from around the world, revealing that at least 80 and up to 98% of people have the T-cells arsenal necessary to fight CV19.
I had Covid in December 2020 and overcame it with early treatment using Dr. Anton’s protocol. So, in March 2021, I tested my antibodies and T-cells (N- and S-protein) and sure enough, they were sky-high – alive and kicking!
Girardot explains the four immune groups as follows:
1 – The Immune Naive – mostly children with a strong innate immunity resulting in zero deaths amongst healthy children.
2 – The Super Immune – infected by a type of coronavirus within 2 years prior to the CV19 breakout in early 2020. They have light or no symptoms when getting infected due to the protective cross-immune T cells.
3 – Immune for life – they had strong immunity for longer than 2 years prior to CV19 breakout. They might have symptoms but are not in danger. Clearly, I am in this class.
4 – Immune Compromised – they are the ones with a weak response to the virus and if not treated early and with high doses of the right protocol is in danger of Long Covid or death. Girardot shows that this is less than 0.06% of the population.
He also explains studies showing that children have a five times better chance of creating antibodies when infected than adults. And another mind-blowing study shows – couples with children in the house have less chance of showing symptoms than people staying alone. This is why there is such a low death rate in communities where the elderly live with their family and grandchildren. So why do we keep the children away from their grandparents??
Nobody is actually dying from the virus itself.
No virus is found in the bodies of those who die. People only die because of damaged cells in vital organs caused by the virus. Because the spread of the virus was not curbed before it reached the vital organs.
He goes on to explain how we can reduce viral load in super-spreader areas and how we can help even the Immune Compromised to survive with early treatment, as Dr. Anton has been doing for thousands of patients (from type 1 diabetes to those struggling with autoimmune disease). It all boils down to applying the Covid Canons in the first 6 days.
What happens when you get infected?
- A viral dose enters the body. We won’t know that we are infected at this stage.
- The immune system arsenal in the mouth and nose either destroys it or not, depending on the viral dose level and on the level of our immunity strength. A strong immune system is built over time with a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition (such as Nucleo) in advance.
- If the immune system can’t reject it, the virus grows until the immune alarm triggers a stronger immune arsenal. Now we notice symptoms like a sore throat and runny nose. This is our day 1 where we bring in the Covid Canons in the treatment protocol.
- The arsenal (fever, T-cells, antibodies) then gets rid of the virus and kills every infected cell in the mouth and nose, causing loss of taste/smell. Few symptoms. No problem. If our Zinc levels in our cells are high, the virus can’t enter the cells. We need to facilitate Zinc to enter our cells (like a bullet needs a gun to move) with carriers such as Vit C, D3, Quercetin like Dr. Anton combined in Nucleo and the Immune Matrix capsule. Ivermectin is very effective in destroying the virus as well.
- However, if the immune alarm is delayed and/or the immune reaction (antibodies, T-cells) is weak and has no support from a treatment, the virus continues to grow exponentially, penetrating deeper into the body, and start damaging critical organs like the brain, the heart, the lungs, the liver.
- When the immune arsenal finally kicks in, the battle is no longer in the mouth or the nose, but in the entire body.
- The arsenal is too late to prevent infected cells, causing major damage to vital organs and creating life-threatening inflammation throughout the body. After 10 to 14 days the virus is gone…but it has done its damage.
- Finally, if the patient survives, the body needs to heal where it can, and occasionally suffer irreparable damage resulting in Long Covid side effects.
This is why early treatment worked so well for Dr. Anton’s high-risk, immune-compromised patients.
Dr. Anton joined a team of SA doctors in sending an open letter (see here) to the president in August 2021, pleading to make known these effective, early treatment protocols, to the public, in order to help avoid hospitalisation and unnecessary deaths.
Please take note that well known cardiologist, Dr Peter McCullough, gave a clear warning recently on why people and especially children should be careful to avoid any form of vaccines: