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Strawberry Nucleo (750g)

Strawberry Nucleo (750g)

Regular price R 370.00 ZAR
Regular price Sale price R 370.00 ZAR
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Nucleo Superfood is a well-balanced, nutritionally complete, high fat, high protein, low GI Carb, natural, meal replacement shake/smoothie @ less than the price of a coffee per 50g dose.

Nucleo combines 43 nutritional ingredients which includes all the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids, omega oils, antioxidants, protein and low GI carbohydrates the body needs to ensure sustained energy, improved concentration and reduced illness, while gradually fortifying the immune system.

Nucleo applies specific natural, nutritional techniques to nurture, recover and heal the intestine and therefore ensuring optimal absorption of all the ingredients into the bloodstream.

Nucleo contains some of the most powerful natural antioxidants known to man; Vitamin C, Colostrum and Omega 3 which together suppress viruses, kill bad bacteria and stop diarrhea. Each of these ingredients has a tremendous international scientific track record in their own capacity.


  • Increased energy and quick recovery reported by endurance athletes such as mountain bikers, ‘Comrades Marathon’ runners, and ‘Ironman’ athletes,
  • Excellent as low calorie meal replacement in a weight loss program,
  • Ideal as first meal when doing intermittent fasting,
  • Complete and safe nutrition for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers,
  • Better blood glucose control for diabetics,
  • Reported reduction in the severity of chemotherapy side effects in cancer clients,
  • Reported improvement in children suffering from leaky gut syndrome and allergies,
  • Reduction in symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (spastic colon),
  • Reported reduction in severity and duration of acute infectious diseases,
  • General improvement in chronically ill and elderly people,
  • Increased energy and concentration levels in factory workers,

You can drink only 25g per day and feel the full impact of Nucleo because of its phenomenal absorption benefits. At less than R 11/day that is cheaper than a coke without considering that you treat yourself with 1000% better nutrition!

Even as a 50g meal replacement (providing all the vitamins/minerals/amino acids/antioxidants/omega 3 oils/ protein your body needs daily) at less than R21/day, Nucleo is much cheaper (and healthier) than any junk food meal, whether a hamburger, sandwich or pizza!

Nucleo is a safe superfood for all ages and you cannot overdose on it.

An apple a day provides more nutrition than only half an apple a day. In the same way, the more Nucleo you take daily, the more you will benefit from its nutritional impact.


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750g = 15 x 50g meals
Artificial Flavour
Artificial Colour
Chemical Preservative
50g per day
Adults when ill
2 x 50g per day
Adults training longer than 1 hour per day
2 x 50g per day before training and after 1.5 hours
Children (15 months to 10 years)
25g per day
Children when ill
2 x 25g per day
Cannot overdose on Nucleo
All ingredients in Nucleo are safe
Using beetroot to give a natural pink colour. Strawberry flavour does not contain spirulina (found in the Vanilla and Chocolate flavours).
Turns green due to Spirulina.
Brown colour due to mixing yellow flower and beetroot with green spirulina
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Nucleo is not only nutritionally complete but also very safe during pregnancy
Nucleo is safe for children of 15 months and older
Chronic Disease
Nucleo is safe for diabetics, people fighting cancer and on chemo therapy. Nucleo use only plant protein and so provide an alkaline environment in the blood which reduce risk of cancer.
Nucleo is safe to use with any medicine because it is a food. But check with your doctor on the ingredients in Nucleo for your condition.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Marie Phillips
Nucleo Shake

Great great product.

Sone Stander

My pa Koos, gebruik julle shake al ń hele ruk vir na fietsry en soms voor fietsry om krampe te vermy en ook vir vinnige recovery na lang afstande ry. Hy glo vas in die Nucleo shake! Ons dominee se seun het op ń stadium verskriklik gesukkel met groei pyne en het toe begin Nucleo shake drink en die pyne het soveel verminder! Ek is ń borsvoedende mamma van ń pragtige 3 maande oue baba-dogtertjie. Ek het gevind dat my melk genoeg was, maar soos water begin word het en so was Chanté konstant honger en het begin stadiger gewig optel. Ek het begin Nucleo shake drink en oats eet, my melk het weer romerig geword en Chanté tel weer behoorlik gewig op! Ek het gesukkel met gereeld siek word ook en ek kan nie onthou wanneer laas ek siek was nie, selfs al slaap ek min! Baie dankie! Vriendelike groete, Soné Stander

Christi Coetzee

On the 1st of April I was rushed to hospital and I was in ICU with multiple organ failure after a ulcer burst. I lost so much blood I needed blood transfusions and I barely survived. When I got out I could barely eat and would throw up basically everything. I had no energy and fainted from just standing up. Mommy came in and gave me a few sips of the Nucleo shake and a small piece of banana. It took the hospital days and days to get my energy and strength up including calorie rich IVs and it didn't work. But within a week of drinking Nucleo, I could drink a full 50g dose of Nucleo and use the bathroom on my own. My medical results have increased so drastically I went from liver failure to mild damage. My kidney function is back to normal and I'm making a huge recovery and shocking doctors and 100% credit I give to your product. So not only do I want to thank you for your customer service with my mom but also thank you for saving my life basically.... I had little chance of full recovery and now it's a possibility for me and I'm 29.

Juanita Muir

My son and I have been using the Nucleo shake since March 2023. I have noticed that I do not suffer so much from acid reflux any more. There is definitely an increase in energy. I use Nucleo as a meal replacement - together with healthier food choices I have already lost a couple of kg.

Rene Lowings

In May 2022, I had a LBA (live blood analysis) which revealed a leaky gut issue, preventing my body from absorbing all the nutrients I consumed. After only 4 months of adding Nucleo shake to our already healthy diet, I did another LBA and was astounded at the results. There were no leaky gut symptoms at all! You can imagine how excited we are about Nucleo's efficacy and affordability. Thanks Nutribrands Team!