Pregnant or Breastfeeding? Nucleo can make a difference.

Pregnant or Breastfeeding? Nucleo can make a difference.

The proof is in the pudding!

After raising our three sons without medicine, but with healthy nutrition instead, we are convinced that any mother can do it. It is the best way to prevent increasing allergies, chronic childhood illnesses, and modern ailments like ADHD. It is undoubtedly the greatest gift a parent can give a child. Our first grandchild was born in November 2024, and our pregnant daughter-in-law faithfully followed the protocol below. The pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding went fantastically well, and the baby is healthy and already started sleeping through the night at 10 weeks.

Here are our recommendations:

1 - 50g Nucleo with 4 teaspoons of Collagen daily. More on Nucleo as ideal nutrition during pregnancy later.

2 - 30ml Rawbiotics Defense every second day. More on a healthy gut later.

3 - Start off with one Mega Vit D3 capsule daily for 4 days, no matter how far along in the pregnancy you are. After the first week has passed, take only 1 capsule per week. Then from birth, 1 capsule daily for 7 days. Vit D3 strengthens the mother's immunity and ensures much better absorption through the placenta of all the necessary vitamins and minerals for optimal growth of the baby. It promotes healthy bone density and the development of the baby's organs. It helps prevent premature births, as well as colic during and after breastfeeding.

4 - One MgO Magnesium capsule daily during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There is magnesium in Nucleo, but the mother needs a lot more. Magnesium is important for promoting 300 biological processes in the baby's development. Magnesium also helps strengthen the uterus so that the mother can give birth naturally more easily. More benefits of Magnesium later.

5 - One BrainMag (Magnesium L-Threonate) capsule daily to support the development of the baby's brain.

6 - Six tablets (3g) Spirulina daily 4 months before birth and during breastfeeding to help improve milk production. Extra spirulina is needed in addition to that in Nucleo.

A healthy lifestyle for children is invaluable.

Over the past 25 years, we have raised three sons on natural and healthy nutrition, without using a drop of antibiotics or medicine. We also did not use any childhood vaccinations. Contact us for a full report on which vaccinations cause which side effects or complications.

You and your baby are as healthy as what you eat. If you start seeing healthy food as medicine, rather than seeing medicine as the solution for every cough, fever, and illness, the battle is already halfway won.

What can a mother do to achieve this?

Well, the most important decision is to keep her gut healthy.

She does this by feeding and pampering the probiotics or healthy gut bacteria.

Dr. Anton Janse Van Rensburg has employed 12 different natural nutritional techniques in Nucleo to precisely care for probiotics and thus the gut.

More than 18 years ago, his pregnant wife was the first mother to use Nucleo, as he could find nothing else that was complete and safe enough to give to his wife. Nucleo provided everything she needed for a healthy gut and optimal growth of their baby.

Gram by gram, Nucleo is the most complete and affordable nutrition a pregnant mother can use.

Karlien van Jaarsveld agrees, and her children still use it years later.

What should you, as a mother, avoid during pregnancy to keep your gut healthy?

1 - Any medicine or antibiotics, because they:

  • Destroy the healthy microbes in your gut.
  • Increase Candida and other bad bacteria in your gut.
  • Reduce your gut's ability to absorb healthy food.
  • Reduce Zinc (the intelligence mineral) and negatively affect your baby's IQ.
  • Bad bacteria form toxic waste that leaks into the bloodstream and is then directly fed to your baby via the placenta.

2 - Avoid a caesarean section if possible: Babies born via caesarean section cannot swallow the healthy gut bacteria from your birth canal and consequently have lower resistance to diseases. Instead of being directly with you for the first breastfeeding, they are placed in an incubator and are often bottle-fed until it is "safe" enough to be with you. This results in significant health damage, not to mention the emotional harm if your baby cannot be with you immediately.

3 - Avoid bottle feeding as long as possible:

Breast milk contains the most powerful super flora/probiotics during each feeding.

4 - Avoid all high GI carbohydrates, gluten, sugar, and dairy:

All the above are superfoods for bad bacteria and Candida to multiply in your gut. These bad bacteria also destroy important minerals and vitamins such as iron, vitamin K, B1, B12, and amino acids, thereby lowering your baby's immunity. This kind of diet causes your baby to be much more susceptible to allergies, asthma, colds, and flu.

Important nutritional groups, vitamins, and minerals to focus on:

1 - Protein, Vitamin D3, and Magnesium:

Keep in mind that your baby's body mainly consists of protein, so you should consume 80-100g of protein per day.

Protein helps with the cell and brain development of your baby.

Protein supports the production of more red blood cells, as you now need 50% more blood.

Nucleo, Collagen, Spirulina, nuts, lentils, and spinach contain very good proteins. Fresh fish and game meat are naturally also healthy proteins.

Collagen and extra Vitamin D3 are also very important for your baby's bone and muscle development.

Collagen helps keep your hair, nails, and skin healthy.

Vitamin D3 helps with the absorption of necessary vitamins and minerals for a healthy baby. It helps with milk production during breastfeeding and prevents colicky babies.

Magnesium helps with the development of more than 300 biological processes for your baby and is therefore important to take extra Magnesium. Our recommendation is Nucleo's 100mg Mg, plus 240mg in MgO, plus 500mg in BrainMag.

Magnesium helps with the following:

    • Preventing leg cramps during pregnancy.
    • Preventing, along with Vit D3, the baby from being born prematurely.
    • Preventing the baby from being underweight at birth.
    • Helping to prevent nausea during pregnancy.
    • Regulating healthy blood circulation (along with Spirulina and Omega 3) and preventing high blood pressure during pregnancy.
    • Preventing fatigue and providing healthy energy during pregnancy.
    • Helping (along with VitD3 and Spirulina) with the overall development of the baby and its biological processes from brain to bones.
    • Helping to regulate blood sugar and therefore preventing any form of childhood diabetes in the baby.
    • Preventing stress before and during childbirth and preventing postpartum depression in you.
    • This mineral helps with blood flow and thus strengthens the uterus.
    • Magnesium L-Threonate especially helps with the baby's brain development, resulting in a calm baby who then sleeps better.

2 - Healthy fats (Omega 3 oils):

Omega 3 oil/fats are essential for your baby's brain development (which mainly consists of fats). It is just as important during breastfeeding for good milk production and further brain development for your baby after birth. Other healthy sources of Omega 3 besides Nucleo and Nordic Sea are avocados, olives, nuts, seeds, fish, coconut, olive, and flaxseed oil.

Fats to avoid at all costs: Trans fats are found in baked, processed, and oil-fried foods. For example, packets of potato chips, “slap chips”, fish fingers, chicken nuggets, KFC, hamburgers, etc.

3 - Probiotics and vegetables/salads:

Eat as many raw vegetables and salads as possible. Add fermented vegetables (sauerkraut, kimchi), sprouts, etc. This helps multiply the healthy gut bacteria.

Also use kefir or kombucha from water or milk cultures.

Spinach, Spirulina, and other dark green vegetables and salads provide essential folic acid and iron for you.

It is very important to avoid all alcohol, processed foods, junk food, sugar, dairy, gluten, and high GI foods (including bread, pizza, burgers, pasta, potatoes) because they cause bad bacteria in the gut.

Why is Nucleo our number one recommendation during pregnancy?

Five unique benefits that Dr. Anton employed in the formulation of Nucleo that you will not find in any other porridge, shake, or meal replacement in South Africa:

1 - Nucleo contains the superfood, Spirulina, which helps detox heavy metals, fights bad bacteria in the gut, feeds healthy bacteria, and supports hormonal balance. Spirulina is also a natural antioxidant that fights diseases naturally along with colostrum in Nucleo. In fact, there are several Nucleo users whose immunity is so tremendously strong that after years of daily use, they simply no longer get sick. We are part of them.

2 - Nucleo contains 1550mg of wild salmon oil per 50g meal (i.e., the healthy Omega 3 fats). We import the oil from Switzerland from a company that nano-encapsulates the oil so that it still protects the integrity of the oil in powder form. There is no other meal replacement, porridge, or shake that adds so much Omega 3 in one meal. It is extremely important for your baby's growth and brain development during pregnancy.

3 - Nucleo contains the daily dose of Zinc, Calcium, Selenium, Lecithin, Folic Acid, and Magnesium, all important for the perfect development of your baby. As mentioned, you need extra magnesium, Vit D3, and folic acid during pregnancy.

4 - Nucleo contains prebiotics, digestive enzymes, amino acids, and Spirulina, which together exponentially improve the growth of healthy gut bacteria (probiotics). That's why Nucleo, along with our 12 culture Rawbiotics Probiotics, has such a tremendous positive impact on the gut.

5 - Nucleo contains the full range of vitamins (Vit C in extra doses) and the full range of minerals (which are bound in an amino acid chelate for optimal absorption) that you need to strengthen your body's immunity so that you do not get sick. Or if you do get sick, you can simply use a double dose to fight the illness. Nucleo contains 9g of healthy protein per 50g meal. We recommend mixing 25g Collagen with your Nucleo to supplement your healthy proteins.

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