What we do when catching a cold, flu or another nasty virus...

What we do when catching a cold, flu or another nasty virus...

To fall ill is an opportunity to stretch the “natural immunity muscle”


Beating a virus using only nature’s anti oxidants is a victorious step towards a medicine free future. One course of antibiotics destroy not only the bad bacteria, but also the healthy bacteria (your immune army) for as long as 6 months. Rather, feed the immune army with superfood, and they will become stronger to destroy the next virus quicker.

How do I fight against viruses then?

The secret to beating any virus lies in the immune army’s ability to destroy the viral load in the first week of falling ill. Before it reaches other organs like the lungs. Many make the mistake of waiting too long when they fall ill. Hit it hard from the moment you feel ill. If it is only a cold, you will recover within 2 or 3 days anyway.

Falling ill is great, because when exposed to any virus (including SARS-CoV-2), we develop T and B cells giving long term natural immune protection against future variants… that is priceless! Read more here

We base the prevention and treatment protocol below on Dr Anton’s early treatment protocol used against Covid

Prevention Protocol:

(Children 2-10, take half)

  • 50g Nucleo per day (includes powerful antioxidants such as Spirulina, Colostrum, Omega-3, Vitamins/Minerals including Zinc, Vit D3, Vit C). Can use as meal replacement, energy shake or supplement.
  •  If your immune system is weak, add 5ml Liposomal Vit C mixed in with Nucleo. (5ml = 1100mg Vit C and the liquid absorbs much faster than powder or tablets). It has a very sour taste on its own. Mix with water or any juice, if you can’t swallow it directly.
  •  Also add one capsule of Immune Matrix per day if your immune system is weak. The Anti-virus Canons in one capsule: 250 mg Quercetin, 100mg Vit C, 1000IU VitD3, 100mg Magnesium, 15mg Zinc, 10mg Thiamine, 2.5 mg Niacin, 50mcg Selenomethionine.
  •  30 ml Rawbiotics Gut or 1 capsule Flora Probiotic every second or third day to increase healthy bacteria.
  • Slosh and swallow a mouthful of Colloidal Silver (CS) before going to bed to kill bad bacteria build up and to create an alkaline environment in the mouth.
  • You can further boost the immune system with Elderberry tonic or Moringa liquid.

Treatment Protocol for any virus (starting the moment you feel ill):

(Children 2-10, take half)

  • 2 x 50g Nucleo per day.
  • 2 or 3 x 20ml (4g) fast absorbing Liposomal Vit C per day. Taking such high quantities of Vit C in powder form will cause diarrhoea, which is not the case with the fast absorbing liposomal Vit C. If you can’t bear the Liposomal Vit C, take 2 teaspoons of Moringa liquid or 2 teaspoons of Elderberry tonic.
  • 2 x 2 capsules Immune Matrix per day. Each capsule contains: 250 mg Quercetin, 100mg Vit C, 1000IU VitD3, 100mg Magnesium, 15mg Zinc, 10mg Thiamine, 2.5 mg Niacin, 50mcg Selenomethionine. These higher doses of specific ingredients are a must if you get a disease like Covid.
  • 2 x 2 Nordic Sea Omega-3 per day, which helps as natural blood thinner and anti-inflammatory.
  • 30 ml Rawbiotics Gut or 1 capsule Flora Probiotic every day.
  • Drink 100ml of Colloidal Silver (CS) per day (don’t mix it with other drinks). Spray CS in the mouth and breath deeply into the lungs every hour to avoid the virus getting into the lungs. You can also use CS in a diffuser and nebulizer. See here

Continue with the above until you have no symptoms any more.

NB: Any virus should be destroyed by Day 7 or 8 to avoid the cytokine storm in the lungs. Your oxygen levels should not drop if you followed the day 1 to 6 protocol fully…If levels fall below 93% contact your doctor immediately.

Once recovered, continue with the prevention protocol to maintain your immune system…it's your own personal army.

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