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DMSO Liquid (Dimethyl Sulfoxide 99.9% Pure) - 100ml

DMSO Liquid (Dimethyl Sulfoxide 99.9% Pure) - 100ml

Regular price R 140.00 ZAR
Regular price R 230.00 ZAR Sale price R 140.00 ZAR
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DMSO the magic water hose

Imagine your body has tiny little firefighters. Putting out “pain fires”. Pain
caused by injuries. Or sickness. Or chronic disease. DMSO (Dimethyl
Sulfoxide) is like a magical water hose used by these firefighters. Going
straight through your skin to where the "pain fire" is burning.

How it works:

  1. DMSO stops the Fire From Growing: Your body gets hurt. It produce chemicals. Causing swelling and redness (like smoke and flames in a fire). DMSO calms these chemicals. Like a water spray. Reducing the fire’s force. Eventually putting it out.
  2. DMSO cleans Up the Mess: When there's pain, there’s damage in the area. DMSO helps clear out the free radicals (like trash from the fire). So the area is restored. Healed. Recovered.
  3. DMSO talks to the Pain Signals: It demands the nerves to quiet down. So those ouch! signals don’t feel as strong.
  4. DMSO Helps More Good Stuff Get In: It works like a super tunnel that lets helpful support, like pain relieving essential oils (e.g. castor oil), get to the pain spot faster.

DMSO is a by-product of kraft pulping (the 'sulfate process') which converts wood into wood pulp leaving almost pure cellulose fibers. As industrial as it may sound, the process simply entails a treatment of wood chips with a mixture of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide, known as white liquor, breaking the bonds which link lignin (from the Latin word lignum, meaning wood) to the cellulose.

Unknown to most people, DMSO is extremely useful as a pain reliever and also in burns, acne, arthritis, strokes, amyloidosis, head injury, scleroderma. It soothes toothaches, eases headaches, hemorroids, muscle strains. It prevents paralysis from spinal-chord injuries and softens scar tissues. In fact, it is useful in well over 300 ailments and is safe to use.

How to apply DMSO liquid or gel

  1. As always, check with your doctor first!
  2. Be sure to wash your hands and the area you want to treat. Because DMSO enhances the absorption of any substance through the skin into the body. Cleaning the area properly, prevents the absorption of unhealthy substances and enhances healthy substances. Note: DMSO can only assist in the absorption of substances on the skin, which the skin can absorb naturally. The skin cannot absorb bacteria and viruses because they are too large to penetrate. Added benefit is that bacteria cannot grow in DMSO.
  3. Test for skin irritation – The DMSO solution is 99.9% pure DMSO, therefore can irritate or burn sensitive skin. Before the first application, test a drop or two on the inside of the arm. You may experience a burning sensation on the skin, which will disappear after a few minutes. Dilute the solution with water or a carrier oil. If the burning sensation persists, dilute the DMSO to a 50/50 ration with clean water. If the burning sensation persists, dilute further till you reach a 75/25 water/DMSO ratio. If the burning sensation persists you have overly sensitive skin and should not use DMSO.
  4.  Apply it directly to your skin. You can apply the DMSO solution on the area you want to treat by clean hands, cotton balls or cotton swabs. Start with tiny amounts of the liquid or gel. Systematically increase the amount till you experience a reduction in pain in the area you are treating.
  5. If you use the gel, make sure the skin absorbs the gel completely and that the skin is dry before you put on your clothes. DMSO can affect your clothing, especially polyester.
  6.  Most of the DMSO will penetrate within 15 to 20 minutes. DMSO increases blood flow which will open the pores in the skin of the treated area. This can continue for about half an hour. During the period avoid contact, to other toxic substances like smoke or paint, with the treated area.
  7. Do not worry about DMSO’s ability to open the pores and help with the absorption through the skin. Many other products are absorbed through the skin. Like patches for sea sickness medication, creams/lotions containing MSM or capsaicin are all absorbed by the skin. For the same reason precaution should be taken to avoid exposure to toxic substances after application, when these products are used.
  8.  Apply DMSO to an area larger than where the pain is. Apply up to 15cm above and below the painful area. Example: If your hand experience pain, apply DMSO up to the middle of your forearm.
  9. How often should I use it? Check with your doctor first! Use DMSO until there is no more pain. DMSO is not a quick fix and should be used as long as it takes. During the period you use DMSO you will experience that the level of pain will reduce over time. Because DMSO increases the blood flow the healing process is expedited.
  10. For muscle and sprain injuries, apply DMSO every two hours on the injured area for the first eight hours after the injury occurred. Continue daily for the first week. From the second week apply every six hours. Most of the benefits will come in the first three weeks of use.
  11. For chronic conditions, DMSO takes longer before you will notice the effects. Some easing of pain may be felt immediately, but the healing will take months or even longer depending on the injury or condition. Continued daily application of DMSO will bring the required results.

Side effects of DMSO:

DMSO is remarkably safe. Only two know side effects were noted, over
the last 40 years:

  1. DMSO has a strong aroma and may affect the smell of your breath and the area
    on the skin where you applied it. Simply use mint or lavender oil to mask the smell.
  2. You may have an allergic reaction or feel a slight burning
    sensation in the area where you applied DMSO. The burning sensation
    should disappear after a few minutes. If it is an allergic reaction, such as
    swelling, redness or inflammation, you must consult your doctor
    immediately. Therefore, it is important to test your skin’s reaction first.
  • Allergic reactions are extremely rare. Since the 1960’s, DMSO has been used widely. No studies could be found indicating that it is toxic or dangerous. After studies on human volunteers were performed, Dr. Richard Brobyn concluded: “A very extensive study of DMSO was conducted at three to thirty times the usual treatment dosage in humans for three months. DMSO appears to be a very safe drug for human administration, and the lens changes that occur in certain mammalian species do not occur in man under this very high, prolonged treatment regimen. I am very happy to be able to present this data at this time, so that we can permanently dispel the myth that DMSO is in any way a toxic or dangerous drug.”
  • Cautions
    SEE YOUR DOCTOR! If you have a condition for which you are considering
    DMSO, see your doctor first. DMSO may affect how your body uses other
    drugs you are taking, so be sure to let your doctor know what medications you are on.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use DMSO.
  • Interactions with other drugs. DMSO may increase the effects of consuming alcohol and other drugs, including those that affect your alertness. Check with your doctor and take care while driving or other tasks which require full alertness.
  • Other cautions: While DMSO assists in the healing of wounds and decreases scar formation, it should not be used on wounds which are infected. Disinfect the wound with Colloidal Silver or another disinfectant before applying DMSO.
  • Do not use it for poison ivy, poison oak or insect bites, since it may spread the substance that is causing your discomfort.
  • Do not store in proximity of toxic substances. Stay away from toxic substances during and after application of DMSO (for 3 hours afterward, to be safe). In the event of accidentally spilling a toxic substance on the treated area, do not panic; immediately clean the area with soap and water.
  • Take Nucleo to neutralize the free radicals released by DMSO in the healing process. Nucleo contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B6, zinc and selenium which all helps to neutralize these free radicals.

Special cold weather note …

As DMSO has a low cold thresh-hold, it tends to solidify (or crystallise) in the cold months. Stand the bottle in a bit of warm water in a cup to de-solidify the DMSO.

Nutribrands does not make any claims about this product and
encourages users to conduct their own research.

Look at articles like these:

DMSO has been used topically to

  • Decrease pain and speed the healing of wounds.
  • Also great for burns.
  • Muscle and skeletal injuries
  • Tooth and gum pain
  • Headache
  • Inflammation
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of pain.
  • It is also a ‘carrier’ for other products. So you can add other essential oils or creams on top of it.
  • slow down effects of heart attack and strokes

Suggested dosage:
Drinking: Start with one drop of DMSO added to water and then work up to a comfortable dose. The taste might be off putting so most people use it on the skin rather than drinking it.

For topical application a small test patch is recommended to check for possible reaction. It may feel tingly or even slightly burning for a short while.
Or add the DMSO to a neutral carrier such as organic coconut or castor oil.
It has also been used in conjunction with Colloidal Silver Healing Gel.

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